Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Recent Earthquakes

I wanted to reassure students who had contacted me regarding the recent occurance of severe earthquakes that seemed to be happening around the world that all was well.

However, this is not the case.

I do know exactly what is happening, and I fear it will only continue to get worse.

There is a power at work that is generating these phenomena.

As of the date of this post, you will know this to be true as within one week's time there will be another serious earthquake of a magnitude between 6.6 and 7.3 in the EAST, and thousands will die, and to know the mark you will see the islands that fall into the sea, and then arise again.

I wish there was something that could be done to save these people. They will cry out after death for help.

To all my beloved students:

I will reveal more, and you will know the truth of the spirits of the Lwa(Loa).

Best regards,
Master James Arden

Invitation to ALL True Believers

I am inviting ALL true believers in magic of all forms to contact me via this blog.

Do not expect an immediate response. I am already tasked with the teaching of several Si Pwen students at this time, but I am trying to make more time available to others who wish to learn the ways of magic.

Best regards,
Master James Arden

Monday, March 16, 2009

In the event of my death...

AND ONLY THEN, will I have actually died.

OBVIOUSLY, the rumors and reports of my demise are either grossly exaggerated, simply false, or at the very least, somewhat early.

It HAS been a while since I have been active online.

I assure my students that I am alive, and quite well.

Given the extent to which this lie has been told I can understand some degree of "proof" may be required.

This will be forthecoming shortly.

Best regards,
Master James Arden

Monday, January 30, 2006

New Blog Site

Dear Students,

I have some very good news.

I have started a new Blog Site called "Voices of the Lwa".

On this new site I will be uploading FREE audio and video content.

As a matter of fact, the Good Luck Spell is already available, and will be available there permanently!

However, I only want serious students there. There are issues with bandwidth, etcetera, and I want to make sure that the resources are made available only to my initiated students.

Also, I will be making another site available soon for the Si Pwen Order of Light, and you will only find information for that on this new blog.

So if you are a seriously interested/minded student, please get my Beginning Course, and I will send you the link to this new blog where you will find a plethora of information regarding Magick!

And you may find yourself invited to the Si Pwen Order, too! :)

Best regards,
Master James Arden

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A FREE Good Luck Spell

Dear Students,

I have created a Powerful Spell to help all of you, but time is of the essence.

You have only until midnight (12:oo AM Pacific Standard Time), January 5th, 2006 to access this spell.

It is a 16 minute video spell that will show you definitive proof that magick exists, and I invite you to join a casting of this spell by over 10 thousand of my students.

This is a simple spell, and it only requires that you join us at this link I have provided.

Be well.

Best regards,
Master James Arden

Monday, October 03, 2005

New Spells Up

For those of you who have purchased the Audio course, the following spells are now online:

Legal Innocence Spell
Fertitility Spell
Prosperity Spell
Remove Curse Spell
Charm Spell
Anti-Depression Spell
Healing Spell
Love Spell
Financial Spell
Revitalization Spell
Voodoo Defense Spell
Revenge Spell

These are all of the spells offered in this course.

Thank you all for your patience. I appreciate the loyalty of all my students. :)

Please let me know how much you like them so far. :)

Best regards,
James Arden

Monday, September 26, 2005

Student Survey :)

Dear Students,

Before I move forward to more advanced topics in this series of courses, I am considering several ideas for new ways in which I can help you achieve greater mastery of your magickal abilities at this level.

However, I would greatly appreciate your input on this matter.

Some ideas that I have been thinking of, which could help most of you, are along the lines of:
  • Offering the entire course on a combination of Audio CDs and CD-Rom, and/or
  • Making the transcripts for the current Spells available to students, and/or
  • Consultation and Assistance with your spell casting, and/or
  • Personal Spell Casting done for you by me, and/or
  • Information about other forms of magick, and/or
  • Other specific information you may be looking for.
Or, is there anything you can think of that would make the learning process more enjoyable?

Please let me know! :)

Best regards,
James Arden

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Animal Sacrifice

I was recently asked a question by one of my students regarding animal sacrifice; namely, is it necessary?

The answer to this question is no, it is not necessary. However, does it aid spell casting? The answer here is definitely yes. However, it does so in an "artificial sense", and is ill advised.

Let me explain.

This is fundamentally one of the largest differences between white and black magic.

Black magic seeks to augment itself by life-will consumption and redirection.

This means that by a special process, commonly called "sacrifice", the life-will of the sacrifice is added to the spell process, empowering it greatly. The power of black magic is formidable, and should never be underestimated. It is akin to giving a child a knife. The child becomes dangerous immediately. However, it is greatly self limiting, and the ability to create more powerful spells becomes more and more difficult, in effect wasting large amounts of energy for little or no benefit. This is the limitation of black magic that makes it controllable, and of little use to good people.

White magic seeks to augment itself through additive congruent will.

This is essentially the generation of greater life-will energy through collective focus. The more congruent the belief systems and goals, the more powerful the life-will becomes. The end result is that white magic is only limited by the number of people who believe they will benefit from any spells that are casting, either consciously or subconsciously.

So is sacrificing animals necessary? Absolutely not!

Is it recommended? No!

Does it work? Sadly, yes, but I expect none of my students to ever partake of this. I will cover more of how this can be done in a later course, but only for informational purposes.

Best regards,

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Zombies Science or Magic? Real or not?

You Think I Therefore Am?: The Ethnobiology and Ethics of the Haitian Zombie: " It "

This a great artical that goes into some of the chemical science behind making a Zombie, but you will note with great benefit that it fully admits that the chemistry alone will not do it.
Without some will force applied to the process it is not possible to make a Zombie.
This, of course, is a terrible perversion of will force, but it does illustrate the reality of magic.
Simply put, power is potential.
It is the application of power that is good or evil.
Enjoy the article!

A little history to Show why Voodoo actually works.


From this link (above), notice how Voodoo comes from MANY sources coming together in a time of extreme difficulty.
Basically under those conditions what works tends to get used and what does not work tends to get dropped.
This is why Voodoo actually has strong working components, and these strong working components are why nay sayers are so harsh with it.

Bringing a different kind of magic to the internet.

I am working on bringing some new magic information to you.
I will be posting some interesting stuff here from time to time.
Enjoy the magic!